AMERICAN HERITAGE™ Chocolate is an authentic historic line of products—developed from chocolate recipes from the 1750’s—that celebrates chocolate’s important role in the lives of Americans during the 18th century.

Made with all-natural ingredients and no preservatives, AMERICAN HERITAGE™ Chocolate is an artisanal dark chocolate containing 63% cacao. Mildly spicy, and slightly sweet, AMERICAN HERITAGE™ Chocolate is flavored with a blend of spices and ingredients available during colonial times, including cinnamon, nutmeg, chili pepper, orange, anise and vanilla.

AMERICAN HERITAGE™ Chocolate can be used in recipes replacing semi-sweet chocolate at a one-to-one ratio. 


Raise awareness for AMERICAN HERITAGE® Chocolate and position the product as a perfect baking chocolate - no matter the recipe.


Position AMERICAN HERITAGE® Chocolate fas a premier baking chocolate with roots in Colonial America. Chocolate connects people regardless of their background - plus it tastes amazing!


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  • BBC worked with journalists and planned press trips that allowed them to experience the history of chocolate up close and personal

  • BBC handled tasting samples and all press requests